
Friday 5 October 2012

Pentre Ifan, Pembrokeshire

Pentre Ifan in north Pembrokeshire has the largest and best preserved neolithic dolmen or burial chamber in Wales and is a very atmospheric place, especially when dark clouds are brewing....



Gateway through the triangle

This was found on a beach at Port El-Kantoui in Tunisia - I liked the way it was like a gateway to the sea!


As we head into autumn here is a butterfly to remind us of sunshine!

Sunday 15 April 2012

Springtime in Hereford

Walking through a park by the river in Hereford we came across these vibrantly coloured tulips and a sunbathing ladybird! It definitely felt that spring had arrived albeit for a few days only!

Squirrel in the garden

Just managed to take these photographs through the dining room window before this squirrel scampered away!

Saturday 31 March 2012

El Jem, Tunisia

Entering El Jem really makes you step back in time! Here are some shots to show the extent of the masonry and workmanship in Roman times!

The amphitheatre at El Jem, Tunisia

More Roman remains - this time we wandered around El Jem in Tunisia, the amphitheatre where part of the film "Gladiator" was filmed. These are taken through archways leading to the seating areas and down underground where the gladiators and lions would wait their turn - it was late afternoon so the light was perfect for taking photographs!

Thursday 2 February 2012

Mosaics at Kato Paphos (Pafos) Archaeological Park, Cyprus

With their intricate designs and liquorice all sorts colours you can't help but be astounded by the fact that these are from Roman times and are still in fantastic condition! The first one of the lady's head reminded me of dolly mixtures and looked good enough to eat!

Brollies on the beach

One evening on a deserted beach in Limassol here were regimented parasols - great to photograph against the sea and brightly coloured buoys and abandoned sun loungers.

Wave your hands in the air...

We came across these huge scuplted hands when visiting Kissonerga near Paphos in Cyprus and thought they were amazing!

Thursday 19 January 2012

Don't look down!

I can't remember if this is the same person climbing Aphrodite's Rock, Cyprus but he was far braver than I!

Silhouettes of the sea at Aphrodite's Rock, Episkopi, Cyprus

There is something that you can't explain when you can get to frame pictures with silhouettes of pebbles, rocks or walls!

Sanctuary of Apollon Ylatis, Limassol, Cyprus

This Temple to Apollo was one place where we could photograph to our heart's content as we were the only visitors. Time for some polarisation due to a wonderfully blue sky!

Saturday 7 January 2012

Kolossi Castle, Limassol, Cyprus

I've been playing with the miniature function on my camera for a while but thought I'd have a go with architecture rather than people for a change. Arches and spirals at Kolossi Castle, originally built in the 13th century made for some interesting features and angles. I have to admit I didn't go all the way to the top of these steps!

Thursday 5 January 2012

Hawk at Tombs of the Kings, Paphos, Cyprus

Another couple of long shots, without the use of a tripod and with a steady(ish) hand - the sun was in my eyes so it wasn't until I saw the photograph properly I could see this hawk! It was very majestic if a bit forlorn as it swooped overhead to land on another rock at the Tombs of the Kings in Paphos.

Up up and away...

From the archaeological remains of Korion in Cyprus we saw these people bravely floating over the sea so managed to catch them unawares!


A couple of dragonflies rested long enough for me to photograph them - one at National Botanical Gardens, Carmarthenshire and the other at Choirokoitia, outside Limassol, Cyprus. I used a long lens as I didn't want to disturb them. You would swear that the one in the third photo is smiling at you!